
YiiSES Setup guide

We wanted to build a marketing email application (which we are calling “MailChap”) and since we are a Yii shop I figured before we started, we should try the YiiSES module. Setup was a little tricky so I documented it here in case it’s useful to someone else.

These instructions apply to a Ubuntu machine with a LAMP stack installed. For reference, we’re using a “m1.small” EC2 instance.

Set up YiiSES

  1. Create the Apache document root:
    sudo mkdir /var/www/yiises;cd /var/www/yiises
  2. Clone the yiiboilerplate repository: sudo git clone git:// /var/www/yiises
  3. Edit the config files to set Yii up with a mysql connection:
    1. sudo vim common/config/params-local.php
      '' => 'mailchap',
      'db.connectionString' => 'mysql:host=[your_db_url];dbname=yiises',
      'db.username' => 'mailchap_webapp',
      'db.password' => '[your_password]',
    2. sudo vim console/config/main.php – uncomment db section.
    3. sudo vim backend/config/main.php – uncomment frontend alias line, and db section.
    4. sudo vim frontend/config/main.php – uncomment db section.
  4. Run the script that “deploys” the environment that we call “local”: sudo ./runpostdeploy local no-migrate
  5. Run the yii migrations to create the users table: sudo ./yiic migrate
  6. Setup 2 DNS rules (e.g. using AWS Route53) for this app:
    1. Make “” a DNS Alias for the instance IP. Test it with by browsing to
    2. Make “” a DNS Alias for the instance IP. Test it with by browsing to
  7. Set up Apache:
    1. sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/yiises:
      <VirtualHost *:80>

      DocumentRoot /var/www/yiises/frontend/www
      AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

      <Directory /var/www/yiises/frontend/www>
      Options FollowSymLinks

      ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/yiises-error.log
      CustomLog /var/log/apache2/yiises-access.log combined
      <VirtualHost *:80>

      DocumentRoot /var/www/yiises/backend/www
      AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

      <Directory /var/www/yiises/backend/www>
      Options FollowSymLinks

      ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/yiises-error.log
      CustomLog /var/log/apache2/yiises-access.log combined

  8. Enable the rewrite module and the new vhost:
    sudo a2enmod rewrite
    sudo a2ensite yiises
    sudo service apache2 reload
  9. Check it works: you should see:

    This is index view file…

  10. A less boring page should be the admin backend:
  11. Install the yiises module:
    1. cd /var/www/yiises/backend/modules
      sudo wget
      sudo unzip
      sudo rm
    2. Rename to “ses”: sudo mv YiiSES-master ses
    3. Move a command from the module into the correct place: sudo cp ses/commands/CampaignCommand.php ../../console/commands/
    4. Declare the module in the backend config
      sudo vim backend/config/main-local.php
      'modules' => array(
  12. Set the SES params that the module needs:
    1. In the AWS SES console, Verify a email address.
    2. Setup a IAM user called “MailChap-app” and give it access to SES. Note down the creds for the next step.
    3. Add the creds to the config: sudo vim common/config/params-local.php:
      '' =>'[your-key]',
      '' =>'[your-secret]',
      '' =>'[your-email]',
      '' =>'MailChap App',
  13. Run the migrations for yiises:
    1. Move the migration from the module into the correct place: sudo cp ses/migrations/m120809_075915_ses_initial_migration.php ../../console/migrations/
    2. Edit the migration file so the subscribed field is added to the users table (because this is not in the default from the yiiboilerplate).
    3. Run the migration: sudo ./yiic migrate
  14. Hit – The password is as above “clevertech”
  15. Once you send some emails, you can view the sending stats at

Phew! It’s not too hard, unless you never used yiiboilerplate before (like me).

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