Docker Tag

Testing nginx rewrite performance

Our website is 12 years old and over time we have accured quite a few URL changes. Mainly due to terminlogy changes and SEO restructures. 819 to be exact. They are rewrite rules in a nginx config file. This is a lot of regular expressions…

New CoreOS out – list dangling volumes

A new stable version of CoreOS, the Operating System we use on our AWS instances, came out recently – v899 and docker was upgraded from v1.7 to v1.9.1. This means, it’s now much easier to find docker volumes that are no longer being used by…

Docker File Modified time Gotcha

The key value proposition of Docker is that once you build a container image, you can run it anywhere. I like the way Adrian Mouat puts it: > What is Software: program Q, when given input P, will produce output R. >HOWEVER: One of the…

Docker – Extending official images

In one of our projects we provide our developers a mysql container for the local development environment pre-seeded with tables and data so the app will work “out of the box“. Previously we built the mysql container from a raw ubuntu image but now that…

Using Nginx to proxy to Docker containers

We run our DeskDonkie webapp within a docker container and every deployment starts a new container listening in on a port that docker allocates for us. In order to switch incoming requests to a newly deployed container we use a proxy. There are many proxy…